About the inscenation

A performance that harmoniously combines acrobatics, choreography, circus arts and innovative technology.

Lewis Carroll’s iconic Alice’s Wonderful Journey has been a true bestseller for many generations and absolutely all ages for more than a century. The novel has always been shrouded in a certain mystery, unfinishedness, many interpretations and disputes…
Each character in the book is so original that it always requires a creative approach to scenic visualization.
Phantasmagorical paintings, original costumes, special effects, incredible stunts on unique equipment, dances and filigree skills of the performers – all this creates an extraordinary atmosphere of the event!
We invite you on a journey into the mysterious world of this famous story, where you will see that nothing in the world is impossible!

The show is suitable for the whole family.

Presale at TicketPortal.cz


Length of the performance
1 hours 30 minutes
Including pause

