The last nine performances of the musical Galileo are left! We have great news for all fans. Janek Ledecký, the author himself, will we playing the title role during this weekend’s performances! On Saturday October 7th, you will be able to see him from 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.
One man, one truth, one sun, one religion, one love, one country, one question, one answer, and yet it revolves… What are You able to sacrifice? It took three thousand years to find a man who proved that the movement of the sun across the sky is only apparent, that in reality the sun is stationary, and it is the Earth that is rotating. Big love, big truth, a thrilling story full of twists and turns and a romantic struggle of an individual against society. The musical has a powerful story in which audiences will find everything they love to see in musicals.
Do not miss the last performances of the musical Galileo! All remaining dates and more informantion here.